Darsana Kalanidhi Abhinava Tarkavageesa Pareekshith Ramavarma Thampuran (1876-1964)

He was born in Aug 15, 1876 . His father was Ottur Sri Raman Nambudiri and mother was Manku Thampuran.
Education – Higher studies in Sanskrit – Sathakopacharya. English Education – Madras Maharajas College. On the auspicious occasion of his ascension to thrown he donated Rs. 100000/ for the efficient functioning of Sanskrit college.
Subodhini - A treatise on Nyayasastra stands almost among his works. Not only vivid explanation have been given wherever the subject dealt with in the earlier works, remained abstruse, but new light has been thrown on it in the form of fresh idea.
Sararthadipika - A commentary on Sakunthala
Prahladacharitham, Abareeshacharitham, Sukanyacharitham and Radhamadhavam. – Champu texts
A translation of Bhagavannamakaumudi of Lakshmidhar Acharya Honored by Banaras University with the title of Vachaspathi